Dear parents! Dear students!
After a hopefully relaxing and eventful summer vacation, I look forward to welcoming you to BernoulliGymnasium for the 2018/19 school year. Let’s continue to work together to ensure that a positive attitude and collaborative partnership guarantee a successful school year with plenty of drive, confidence and refreshing ideas, not to mention laughter and joy.
From this school year onwards, a pupil in year 1A with a life-threatening peanut allergy will be attending our school. I urge you to discuss with your child not to bring peanuts or foods containing peanuts (Snickers, Snips, …) into the school building. You will find the letter addressed to you by the parents in this communication.
We have enclosed important information for you and ask you to return the signed section to the head of the class via your son/daughter. I would also like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to the parents’ evenings for the first, third and fifth grades. The dates have already been set for the first classes:
- 1B on Friday, 07.09.2018 at 16:00 in the classroom
- 1A, 1C, 1D,1E, 1F, 1G on Monday, 10.09.2018 at 17:00 (start in the ballroom)
The class council will inform you of the dates of the other class parents’ evenings in good time. Please make time for this date, not least because you will be electing your class parent representatives on this evening.
With best wishes for a good start
to a successful and prosperous 2018/19 school year
Yours sincerely
Franz Anreiter
Download: Letter to parents-2018-start of school