School operation from Tuesday, 6.4.2021 (decree)

In the appendix you will find the complete decree dated 26.4.2021. All additions/changes compared to the previous decree are highlighted in gray for better comprehensibility. Central information (except for graduating classes)

  • In Vienna, all pupils are in non-residential lessons from 6.4. to 9.4.2021. Childcare can only be used if home care is otherwise not guaranteed.
    You have the option of registering your child for the period of 6.4. – 9.4.2021 by Thursday, April 1, 2021 9:00 a.m. at the latest.
  • Schoolwork scheduled on these days must always be postponed. In final-year classes, schoolwork can be carried out if it is no longer possible to postpone it.
  • From Monday, 12.4.2021, the BernoulliGymnasium will be back in shift operation, the group allocation can be found in the appendix. Friday is distance learning day.
  • The assessment conference at BernoulliGymnasium will be postponed from Wednesday, 23.6.2021 to Monday, 28.6.2021, the last examination day (1st – 7th grades) from Friday, 18.6.2021 to Wednesday, 23.6.2021. All conferences will take place in electronic form.
  • (Virtual) consultations between teachers and parents/guardians can be held as video conferences or using electronic communication.
  • Non-binding exercises can take place in face-to-face lessons or in lessons without a fixed location.
  • If the performance assessment criteria have changed as a result of remote teaching, these changes must be communicated.
  • In the 2nd semester, there is a maximum of one assignment per subject. If two school assignments have already taken place, both are to be included in the students’ performance assessment.
  • Schoolwork that is missed due to illness or quarantine does not have to be made up, provided that a reliable performance assessment for the school level can be made with the other performance assessments.
  • Pupils with a failing grade in the annual report may progress to the next school year without a conference decision if the subject in question was assessed positively in the previous school year. Pupils have the right to retake the examination.
  • For pupils who have to repeat a school level in the 2020/21 school year, the maximum period of school attendance permitted by law will be extended by one year.

Enclosures Decree of the BMBWF GZ 2021-0.202.824 (26.4.2021) Group allocation shift operation from 12.4.2021