Summer school 2023

For pupils from BernoulliGymnasium, the summer school takes place at AHS-MS Simonsgasse 23 in Essling.
The summer school 2023 from 21.8. – 1.9. 2023 from Monday to Friday in the morning is intended for targeted support in the subjects German, English or mathematics, whereby the selection is not binding. Summer school registration form (deadline: Friday, 14.4.2023) Letter to parents from BM Polaschek Pupils in Years 7 and 8 have the opportunity to act as a buddy in the summer school. Buddy registration form (Deadline: Friday, 28.4.2023) Overview of summer schools At the end of June, buddies will receive a confirmation of registration by email. The registration confirmation serves as the buddy’s ticket for public transportation between their place of residence and the summer school location.