Upper secondary school

Grammar school

5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade
Religion 2 2 2 2
German 3 3 3 3
English 3 3 3 3
Latin 3 3 3 3
second living foreign language 3 3 3 3
History and political education 1 2 2 2
Geography and economic education 2 1 2 2
Mathematics 3 3 3 3
Biology and environmental education 2 2 2
Chemistry 2 2
Physics 2 2 2
Psychology and philosophy 2 2
Computer science 2
Music 1 2
Art and design 2 2
Music/Art and Design * 2 2
Exercise and sport 3 2 2 2
Compulsory elective subjects ** 6th to 8th grade: 6 in total

*) alternatively **) Compulsory electives offer pupils the opportunity to set an individual focus in their education. Figures in hours per week.