Wet blisters, chickenpox, sheep blisters
Information from our school doctor, Dr. Saßhofer Cases of wet blisters (also known as varicella, chickenpox, sheep blisters) have occurred at BernoulliGymnasium. This is a very contagious viral disease with blisters forming on the skin, sometimes also on the mucous membranes (mouth). The blisters crust over and fall off. They are also transmitted through the air (hence the term chickenpox). The rash is often very itchy and scars can develop. Infected persons are already contagious approx. 2 days before the first blisters appear and as long as blisters are present. The outbreak of the disease (i.e. until the first blisters appear) usually lasts 8-14 days, in exceptional cases up to 28 days.
Complications can occur in people with immunodeficiency and in older people. If a pregnant woman is infected for the first time, the unborn child can suffer serious damage.
In the event of illness, please inform the school immediately! Please also contact your doctor regarding treatment. You can also contact me as the school doctor if you have any questions. You can find further information here
Stay healthy!